Spanish schools and accommodation to study Spanish in Spain


Árcades del Cid · Spanish school in Valencia

Árcades del Cid
Avenida Marques de Sotelo, 3
46002 Valencia
+34 963509038

Spanish School general description

The Árcades del Cid school is in the historic downtown of Valencia, the third town of Spain. It is generally a dynamic city, always in change, thanks to several extension and renovating projects, which give and will continue to give it a new and modern face.

We are specialized in the organization of educational travels for a large number of primary and secondary schools of other countries. We are used to work with minors and we are able to garantee a safe and amazing staying. For groups we define specific courses and we prepare special offers, just contact us for a quotation!

In the summer time we have different kind of students, that come to our school to learn the language, to know spanish culture and monuments and to enjoy the wonderful weather, the fantastic beach and nightlife!

We have an excellent mother tongue teaching staff with high qualifications and experience in teaching Spanish as foreign language. With them, the rest of the staff will give all of the support and orientation you will need before, during and after your stay.

Spanish school Árcades del Cid Features

Levels to study
High season
Low season
Students by season
100 to 150 students per month
Additional services
Free WiFi connection throughout the school, computer

Methodology in Spanish courses

Árcades del Cid school’s method aims to facilitate learning process of each single student.

For this purpose our teachers prefer to have a direct and kind relation with students, having in this way a social and funny environment inside the classroom, using a wide range of contents as grammar, cultural oddities, vocabulary, pronunciation, historical notions, literature, geography and everything else is linked to Spanish language and that can promote students’ learning.

Our staff is made up from mother tongue teachers, Graduated in Spanish Philology and with experience in teaching Spanish language as foreign language.

Spanish courses in Árcades del Cid

We offer different kinds of course in order to meet the different needs of its students.

- ÁRCADES COURSE: It consists of 4 daily sessions equally divided between grammar and conversation, with a 20 minutes break for a total of 20 hours per week. Please have a look at the levels.

- CONVERSATION COURSE: This course is complementary to the Arcades one and it consists of 4 hours per week. The course helps the student to acquire ease in spoken language through dynamic and interactive lessons (with audio-visual material, roundtables and discussion about common interest topics, etc)

- LONG TERM LANGUAGE COURSE: It consists in 4 hours per week and it is for people who want to study Spanish in longer periods but with less weekly hours ( Erasmus students, workers, etc.). Flexible time.

- FACE TO FACE COURSE: The student can choose how many face to face hours wants to have - for a maximum of 30 hours per week- he/ can decide directly with teacher at what time have the lessons and with the staff.

- D.E.L.E. COURSE: It consists in 4 daily sessions and it prepares the student for Spanish language exams- whose certificate is recognized in the whole world- exams made in 60 countries in May, November and sometimes in August too. The length suggested in order to pass the exam is 4 weeks.

We can also organize special courses to satisfy specific needs.

You will not have to pay for a registration fee and for the books.

Spanish courses offers

We propose different offers during the year (special periods, last minute, for Erasmus students...). Contact us to receive our newsletter!

Transfers connections, students accommodation and other services

We also provide:
- the transfer from/to the airport.
- the accomodation in spanish families, in a flat with other students, in a residence for students or in a hotel.
- cultural and extracurricular activities.

Booking and payment for your Spanish course

You can fill in the pre-registration form through our website, pay the 50 % of the rate by bank transfer and complete it the first day of your course.

Location map of the Spanish language school

Students' opinions about the school and Spanish courses

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