Escolas e residências para estudar espanhol na Espanha


Pareceres (Escuela Delengua)

11 Pareceres ·  Deixe um comentário (Apenas para usuáriosregistrados)
Pontuação: 4
Amazing Delengua experience! Por: Marlinde (país: Netherlands) - 13/10/2014
This is my seventh week in Granada and at Escuela Delengua. Next week will be my last week. I will miss it a lot when I will be back in Netherlands. Why? Because I had a great time at Escuela Delengua. I've learned a lot. And everyone has been really friendly (the teachers and follow students). On my first day in Granada, in the neighborhood Albaycin, I felt at home really quick. Albaycin is a lovely neighborhood to live in. I really enjoyed living in a house where I could see the Alhambra from my roofterras every day. I met so many nice people from all over the world. I made many new friends:) I really loved it to participate in all the nice activities Delengua organized every week. I ate a lot of tapas;-), visited a couple nice Flamenco show, saw the Alhambra again, went for a walking trip in the Sierra Nevada etc. Thank you Delengua for this amazing experience! I will never forget it!

Pontuação: 5
Une excellente expérience à Delengua Por: Anne-Sophie (país: France) - 11/12/2013
La qualité de cette école vaut bien un commentaire! Pour ma part j'ai effectué un stage de 6 semaines à Escuela Delengua qui se trouve à Grenade en Espagne et je suis trés satisfaite de cette expérience. Les personnel d'encadrement est trés professionnel et savent mettre à l'aise.

Pontuação: 5
Una magnifica esperienza! Por: Angela (país: Italy) - 02/12/2013
Ho seguito un corso di 4 settimane presso la Escuela Delengua e devo dire che non avrei potuto immaginare esperienza migliore! I professori, oltre che ben preparati, sanno coinvolgere gli studenti durante le lezioni, cosicché non ci si annoia mai! Ma oltre allo studio esiste anche il divertimento, e anche quello è assicurato in Delengua grazie alle attività organizzate dalla scuola!Ogni giorno c'è qualcosa da fare e nuove persone da incontrare...e il mio spagnolo ringrazia!

Pontuação: 5
High quality Spanish course, unforgettable experience Por: Isabel (país: United Kingdom) - 11/10/2013
I travelled to Delengua alone for 4 weeks to do an intensive language course to improve my Spanish over the summer. I really did have the time of my life! It was an amazing experience to see my Spanish improve so rapidly with the high quality teaching and friendly and positive atmosphere. Furthermore, I met friends from all over the world in my classes, as well as during daily cultural activities organised by the school so we really got to know everything that Granada had to offer! These included trips to the Alhambra, tapas nights and flamenco shows. I would urge anyone to take a Spanish course at Delengua, you will get greater Spanish skills and furthermore, a greater confidence.

Pontuação: 5
Eu vou voltar! Por: Lidia (país: Brazil) - 31/07/2013
espero um dia poder voltar a estudar! Granada é uma cidade maravilhosa, e para quem quer aprender espanhol a cidade é uma ótima escolha! Podemos viver integralmente esta experiencia através de professores qualificados, aulas divertidas, colegas de todo o mundo e atividades! A escola é transparente desde o início e ajuda os alunos nas diversas necessidades que possam ter!

Pontuação: 5
très magnifique! Por: Marc (país: France) - 30/07/2013
Je suis resté à Escuela Delengua pendant trois mois, une expérience magnifique :) Tout d'abord il faut dire que l'atmosphère à l'école est extrêmement familiale et qu'on n'a pas peur de parler et faire des fautes. Les profs sont très professionnels et sont capable d'enseigner dans une manière efficace, j'ai fait un progrès enorme. Les cours sont très versifiés, on a non seulement les cours du vocabulaire et grammaire, mais aussi des cours de la culture et l'histoire espagnol!!

Pontuação: 5
sehr gute Schule!!! Por: Jan (país: Germany) - 30/07/2013
Es war gut dass wir in kleinen Gruppen gearbeiten haben so konnte die Lehrerin die Fehler sofort korriegieren. Der Unterricht war interaktiv, wir haben die Möglichkeit über aktuellen Themen zu sprechen. Ich finde gut, dass wir jeden Tag etwas Anders machen sollten. Ich bin seit 3 Monate hier und jetzt bin ich leider am Ende des Kurses. Es war eine gute Erfahrung für mich weil ich meine Sprache verbessern habe und weil ich hier wohl fühlte. Die Atmosphäre währen des Unterreichtes war entspannend deswegen könnte ich schneller und einfacher lernen.

Pontuação: 5
sehr gute Schule!!! Por: Jan (país: Germany) - 30/07/2013
Es war gut dass wir in kleinen Gruppen gearbeiten haben so konnte die Lehrerin die Fehler sofort korriegieren. Der Unterricht war interaktiv, wir haben die Möglichkeit über aktuellen Themen zu sprechen. Ich finde gut, dass wir jeden Tag etwas Anders machen sollten. Ich bin seit 3 Monate hier und jetzt bin ich leider am Ende des Kurses. Es war eine gute Erfahrung für mich weil ich meine Sprache verbessern habe und weil ich hier wohl fühlte. Die Atmosphäre währen des Unterreichtes war entspannend deswegen könnte ich schneller und einfacher lernen.

Pontuação: 5
I would recommend it! Por: Laura (país: Canada) - 29/07/2013
I did an intensive Spanish course at the school and really enjoyed myself. I loved my classes because the teachers were very engaging and we were a small group of students. The activities every afternoon are really good fun: we visited the Alhambra, went for tapas, went to an outdoor swimming pool, watched Spanish films and spent an evening watching Flamenco!

Pontuação: 5
Quiero volver a Granada! Por: Marlene (país: ) - 26/07/2013
Pasé tres semanas en Escuela Delengua. Yo sé que mi nivel ha mejorado mucho, especialmente con respecto a la conversación. Ahora, puedo hablar con más confianza, fluidez y puedo usar palabras y estructuras gramaticales más complejas. Encontré buenos amigos y ¡tengo ganas de volver! Gracias a todos!

Pontuação: 5
Just what I was looking for.. Por: Jess (país: United Kingdom) - 23/07/2013
Escuela Delengua offers you everything that you need to study Spanish . I spent 2 weeks studying at the school and would definitely recommend it. As Delengua is a small school I built up close relationships with my classmates and teachers. The teachers are fantastic and will tailor their classes to your needs and interests and are always willing to support you and answer any questions that you may have. The cultural activities which take place everyday give you the opportunity to experience all aspects of Spanish life. I thoroughly enjoyed my time as a student at Delengua and would recommend it to everyone, no matter what your level is!