Spanish schools and accommodation to study Spanish in Spain


Colegio de Español Tía Tula · Spanish school in Salamanca

Colegio de Español Tía Tula
Calle Rúa Mayor, 43-47, 1º Dcha
37008 Salamanca
+34 923210283

Spanish School general description

Tía Tula is a lovely Spanish school which is situated right in the historical, university centre of Salamanca and is accredited by the Instituto Cervantes as a centre of high quality Spanish teaching.

Just like Salamanca, the city which is always referred to when talking about Spanish teaching throughout the world, Tía Tula combines its classical framework and facilities with the modernity of its people and their methods. Inside there are pretty, comfortable and pleasant classes with views of the monumental zone of the city.
But what makes Tía Tula an ideal place to learn Spanish, is without a doubt its staff: Tía Tula has excellent teaching staff with high qualifications and lots of experience and an amazing administrative team.

The teachers see that the students get the most out of their Spanish course whilst the administrative team makes your stay in Salamanca an unforgettable one with their warm and caring treatment of the students.

Tía Tula is a great choice for learning Spanish in Spain and having a wonderful time in a beautiful city devoted to teaching Spanish.

Spanish school Colegio de Español Tía Tula Features

Students by classe
Levels to study
A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
Minimum age
16 years old
Spanish lesson time
52 minutes
High season
May to September
Low season
October to March
Students by season
80 to 100 students per month
Students of over 30 countries
Additional services
A screening room to watch movies and documentaries, a computer room with connection to the Internet, free WiFi connection throughout the school, reading books...

Accreditation Inst. Cervantes:


Methodology in Spanish courses

Tía Tula is a modern center of Spanish teaching which offers an effective method of learning the language with the best qualified teachers in a warm and personalized atmosphere.
We focus on our students. Our team of professionals are extremely committed to meeting your individual needs and to ensure you fully integrate into the Spanish language and culture. Our objective is not only to teach you how to dominate the language, but that you gain an understanding of our habits and traditions, our way of thinking and living.
The method we have adopted is a balanced combination of classroom based exercises and extracurricular activities:

It is an intensive program using an advanced method of teaching Spanish. Work groups are kept small (10 students maximum) to ensure you gain the most out of your lessons and student participation is encouraged during the course. You will be provided with all the necessary learning material and will have access to internet, multimedia and audiovisual support.

The extracurricular activities run in parallel to complement classroom methodology. As part of the program you will enjoy excursions to the rest of Spain, enjoy free time and sport not only in the city but also in the countryside.

A personal touch. We want your stay to be unforgettable and to ensure this is achieved we take care of all the necessary arrangements and details. Your accommodation - we have an experienced and dedicated person whose task is to ensure that your safety, enjoyment and learning needs are met.

Spanish courses in Colegio de Español Tía Tula

The modules for the Spanish Courses we offer here at Tía Tula are the following:

- General Intensive Spanish Courses

CI - Intensive Spanish Language Course: 4 hours daily of Grammar and Practical Conversation (spoken and written).

CICO - Intensive Spanish Language Course (CI) + Conversation: 4 hours daily of Grammar and Practical Conversation (spoken and written) + 1 hour daily of Conversation in small groups (up to 10 people) and adapted to each level.

CICC - Intensive Spanish Language Course (CI) + Culture and Civilization: 4 hours daily of Grammar and Practical Conversation (spoken and written) + 1 hour daily of Spanish Culture and Civilization.

- DELE Exam Preparation Courses

The DELE Exam Preparation Courses are specialized in preparing for the official exams for the Institute Cervantes Diplomas in Spanish (DELE = Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera = Diplomas in Spanish as a Foreign Language).

- A-Level, GCSE, Leaving Cert and AP Spanish Exams Preparation Courses

These courses concentrate on raising the general level of the students, as well as specifically concentrating on revising the Spanish skills they need to pass the Spanish A-Level / GCSE / Leaving Cert (Irish Leaving Certificate) / International Baccalaureate / AP Exam. On their first day, the students take a level test and are placed in groups according to their level of Spanish.

- Formative Courses for Teachers of Spanish

The courses for ELE professors are specific courses for teaching Spanish, for native and non-native speakers. These courses are made for professional teachers who wish to perfect the Spanish language and at the same time work on the techniques, know the different manuals of ELE, create their own lesson plans, etc. They contribute on reflecting the role of the Spanish teacher in the classroom and on the didactics itself of the ELE teaching.

- Spanish for Business Course

This course is designed for those professionals that want to use the Spanish language in their work, maybe because they need to communicate with countries that speak Spanish. It is designed as well for those who simply enjoy the Spanish applied to this knowledge area.

At the end of the course the student could take the exam of the Chamber of Commerce in Madrid. As Tía Tula collaborates with the Chamber of Commerce, students can take the exam here at the school, in Salamanca: it is not necessary to travel to Madrid.

The course is given completely in Spanish. To take it you need at minimum to be at the intermediate level (B2).

- Gap Year Spanish Course

This course is designed for people who want a gap year based on a relaxing and rewarding activity, such as learning a language.

- Complementary Spanish Courses

These courses and subjects supplement the other main courses and go in depth about different aspects of Spanish Language or Culture. They require a minimum of 3 persons.

Spanish Culture and Civilization - 5 hours a week - level required: B (Intermediate).

Spanish and Latin-American Literature - 4 hours a week - level required: B (Intermediate).

Spanish and Latin-American Cinema - 4 hours a week - level required: B (Intermediate).

Conversation - 4 hours a week - level required: None.

Written Expression (Composition) - 4 hours a week - level required: None.

Mix: Conversation and Written Expression (Composition) - 4 hours a week - level required: None.

Spanish for Business - 10 hours per week, 4 weeks - level required: B (Intermediate).

Course for Teachers of Spanish - 15 hours per week, 2 weeks - level required: B (Intermediate).

- Spanish Courses via Skype

Spanish courses via Skype from Tia Tula Spanish are taught by members of our teaching staff via Skype or by phone, as a class or individually.

They are designed for those who want to learn or improve their Spanish without leaving home. The classes are taught from Salamanca (Spanish city of reference in the world) by native teachers highly qualified in teaching Spanish to foreigners.

Spanish courses prices

2 week4 week6 week8 week12 week20 week40 week
CI , Spanish Language Intensive Course (20)290515732920128419803590
CICO , CI + Conversation (25)3506509001150166025204000
CICC , CI + Culture and Civilization (25)3506509001150166025204000
One to one 2010001920276035205280880017600
One to one 10540104015001920288048009600
One to one 53005808401080162027005400
Spanish Culture and Civilization (5)14528441453675611722212
Spanish and Latin-American Literature (4)14528441453675611722212
Spanish and Latin-American Cinema (4)14528441453675611722212
Conversation (4)14528441453675611722212
Composition (4)14528441453675611722212
Mixed: Conversation + Composition (4)14528441453675611722212
Spanish for Business (4)14929242655278012122292

Spanish courses offers

Our offers change constantly. If you wish to find out about our offers available at the moment, please visit our website:

Transfers connections, students accommodation and other services

- Accommodation:
It is selected carefully by visiting all potential host families and monitoring the student's satisfaction during their stay. If at any time, a student is in a problematic situation not due to a misunderstanding that can easily be resolved, we quickly provide alternative accommodation. At the end of their stay the students fill out a survey of satisfaction about their host family. Their opinion is fundamental in the evaluation and rating of the host families.


1st service: 110 euros
This service consists on a person who will pick up students on the arrival of their flight at the Madrid airport (actual name: Barajas), drive them to the bus station, buy their bus ticket for Salamanca and explain to them where to wait for the bus. Once they are in Salamanca, the family will pick them up at the arrival of the bus and will drive them to their house. The price of this service is 110 euros, one way and it includes the bus ticket. This service is only available for flights connecting with the timetable of the bus (from 07.00 am to 10.00 pm).

2nd service: 330 euros
This service consists on a person who will pick up students on the arrival of their flight at the Madrid airport (actual name: Barajas) and drive them directly to their accommodation in Salamanca.
The price is for one way.

- Extracurricular activity program:
Week after week we provide a new list of dynamic and imaginative extracurricular activities, aimed at finding new ways for the students to learn Spanish and put their new knowledge into practice, as well as to integrated them into everyday life and Spanish culture. These activities are mostly free and are lots of fun, mainly due to the close familiar relationship between our students and our staff.

Booking and payment for your Spanish course

You can fill in the pre-registration form through our website:
Once the payment is finalised the registration will be confirmed and your place will be reserved.

There are two forms of payment:

By credit card
By bank transfer

Pictures of Colegio de Español Tía Tula

Watch our video of Colegio de Español Tía Tula Spanish School

Location map of the Spanish language school

Students' opinions about the school and Spanish courses

Punctuation: 5
My experience at Tia Tula By: Julie (: Belgium) - //2013-02-26
The school is very little, but for me that was a good thing. Like that everyone got to know everyone and it was easier to make friends. Everything that can be needed during class is available in the school and the fact that the school is so small, make the prices way more interesting. Every day I had 5 hours of classes. It seems long, but the way the teachers teach, make it go very fast! I’m still so happy that I chose for Tia Tula and I would recommend everyone to follow my example! ;-)

Another positive point of the school, was that the teachers were amazing. They were like friends to me. They were always in a good mood and also talked a lot about the places in and around Salamanca we should visit. Next to our teachers, they were our friends. They made sure that everyone in class felt good, and they helped us as good as they could. The staff at the reception was also always smiling and answered all our questions about places we looked for and other administrative issues. They also were always interested in how the classes were going and if we felt at home in Salamanca.

Because Tía Tula is a smaller school, it has the opportunity to offer competitive prices. For me it was definitely worth the money as I learnt a lot during the period I stayed.

For me, the fact that on every weekday the staff of Tía Tula organised an activity in the city, was really interesting. Like that you get to know the city and its possibilities together with the other students. The activities I enjoyed the most were the tapas tours, the Spanish movies and karaoke. They also offered cultural activities just like visiting the city, expositions and theatre. Next to that, there were always students who went sightseeing in other cities by themselves, and they always talked about that in class, so it was easy to go with them and to make new friends like that.

The school offers accommodation, which helped me a lot. I know lots of people who are for example on Erasmus in Salamanca, and for them it was kind of difficult to find accommodation from their home country, because there are not that much websites that offer 'pisos' for a short time.

If anyone has more questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! I'd be happy to answer them!

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