Spanish schools and accommodation to study Spanish in Spain


Centro de Linguas, Universidade de Vigo · Spanish school in Vigo

Centro de Linguas, Universidade de Vigo
Facultade de Filoloxía e Traducción
Campus Lagoas Marcosende
Universidade de Vigo, 36310
+ 34 986812250

Spanish School general description

The Centro de Linguas at the Universidade de Vigo (Language Centre at the University of Vigo) was established in 2004 to serve the language needs of the university community (students, professors and administrative personnel) as well as anyone not affiliated with the institution over the age of sixteen and interested in learning languages or obtaining language certification. The Language Centre possesses a highly qualified team of teachers, specialized in language teaching.

Spanish school Centro de Linguas, Universidade de Vigo Features

Levels to study
Minimum age
Students by season
Autumn term: 300 aprox. / Spring term: 200 aprox. / Summer: 50-100 aprox.
All: From Armenian to Japanese, North Americans, Finnish or Tunisian
Additional services
Students can choose and combine the courses that best fit their interests. All the students have access to free wifi, computer rooms, library, cafeteria…


Methodology in Spanish courses

The courses at the Centro de Linguas are designed according to the ability levels and examination criteria established by the Council of Europe in the Common European framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL). Because of this, our certificates meet international standards.

The Centro de Linguas offers semester courses and intensive summer courses in the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish as a foreign language and Spanish Sign Language. We also offer specialized courses in conversation, preparation for official exams (DELE, Cambridge), specialized language (engineering, business), and teaching methods for teachers of Spanish as a foreign language. Additionally, we offer specialized courses designed in conjunction with other academic and professional institutions. We also organize courses on demand.

Classes are given at the three campuses of the University of Vigo: Vigo, Pontevedra and Ourense, as well as at the various schools and centres associated with the University.

Our language centre is also an official examining institution for the DELE (Certificate of Spanish as a foreign language), which is issued by the Instituto Cervantes.

Courses at the Language Centre are practical and communicative. Students take active part in the sessions and new technologies are used on a regular basis.

The teachers are all native and highly qualified (all of them have a university degree and some MAs and/or PhDs) with training in the teaching of Spanish to foreigners, new technologies in language teaching and learning, assessment, etc.

Spanish courses in Centro de Linguas, Universidade de Vigo

Types of courses:

- Courses on Spanish language and culture (60 hours 4 ECTS)

- Spanish for specific purposes

· Business Spanish (1 ECTS)

· Spanish for Tourism (1 ECTS)

· Advanced oral and written practice (3 ECTS)

· Preparation course for the DELE exams (1 ECTS)

- Academic workshops with guided tours (20 hours - 1 ECTS):

· The Pilgrim`s Way to Santiago (the tour consists in making the way from Pontevedra to Santiago de Compostela’s catedral)

· Galician Literature (Literature through the review of great Galician authors, such as the Nobel prize, Camilo José Cela, which includes vistis to their hometowns, house…)

· Galician Economy (textile industry, with a visiting tour of Inditex, fishing industry, with a visit to Vigo’s harbour, and car industry, with a visit to Citroen car factory)

· Theoretical lessons on the oenolegical sector in Galicia, D.O. labels, etc. It includes a visit to wine cellars Regina Viarum where the students will be made familiar with wine tasting.

· Workshop on Galician culture + Romanesque route which includes visiting a castle and finishes in Castro Caldelas. There will be a magosto and a queimada.

· Spanish and gastronomy (includes practical sessions in a kitchen, where the students cook typical Spanish dishes and eat what they cook)

- Intensive courses (40 hours) of Spanish language and culture or of Spanish for specific courses.

- Summer 5 week intensive program (110 hours including regular clasess, academic workshops and trips).

We organize longer intensive courses on demand (from 2 to 12 weeks)

Spanish courses prices

General pricesPrices for university ID holders (also exchange students)
Language and culture courses (60h)270€250€
Business Spanish (20h)90€75€
Spanish for tourism (20 h)90€75€
Advanced oral and written practice (30 h)135€115€

Transfers connections, students accommodation and other services

The Centro de Linguas office will provide on request information on accomodation (shared apartments, families, residence halls…).

Pictures of Centro de Linguas, Universidade de Vigo

Watch our video of Centro de Linguas, Universidade de Vigo Spanish School

Location map of the Spanish language school

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