The 10 best pieces of advice to make the most of your time during the study of Spanish

April 18th, 2011

We’d like to give you a series of 10 pieces of practical advice to be able to learn Spanish easier and faster.

1-The first one, and the most important one is to choose an attractive country to start this beautiful adventure. Spain is the third country in the world for tourists, and first among those with Spanish as an official language, but there are also other countries with tourist interest and a selection of attractions.

2- Attend a recognised Spanish school in the city where you decided to study, as that is where they will help you to find the best methods to better your knowledge more rapidly and with more interest.

3- Put yourself objectives to fulfil during your learning time. Those should be realistic and feasible. You can ask the school where you decided to study’s teaching staff for help and support.

4- Don’t be shy when you have to talk to someone, the best way to improve is practising. Try to express yourself in real situations such as in the bar, the bakery, a restaurant, etc.

5- The Spanish’ character is perfect to practice, they are very open and communicative, but so are the others from other many Spanish speaking countries, so do not hesitate to start a conversation with a native, as this will seem very natural and easy to you. Do not despair if people do not understand you at first, be patient and learn the best way to express things directly from them. They will be ready to help you at all times and they will encourage you to practice speaking with them.

Dos estudiantes de español en una escuela

6- Gain access to the country’s culture and enjoy the life you will find there. Follow the festivities closely, the customs, and participate in all the cities’ activities, to improve your knowledge in a fun way.

7- Do not go to live with or find only people from your country or with whom you speak only in English, that way your learning process would be much slower. Try to live with a Spanish family or in a flat with only Spanish, which will push you to practice at all time and you will learn from native speakers.

8- Buy a dictionary and take it everywhere with you, it should become your best friend and will help you in the most difficult situations, but do not use it constantly.

9- Fill your house with Spanish words and sentences you’d like to remember, and try to make them the ones you’ll use most. This will force you to repeat them over and over, which will help you remember easier.

10- Watch television, watch a film or go to the cinema. To be always in contact with a Spanish will help you familiarise with the inflexion, the words and their correct use. Read books, magazines or publications on the internet will also bring you a big quantity of Spanish words and sentences you will find very useful.

You now know that to learn a language isn’t a one day job, so be persevering and do not despair, and, do not forget to enjoy this great adventure.

Image Tutoring Center. Tulane Public Relations.


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