Archive for January, 2012

El Ratoncito Pérez (tooth fairy), the tale of a rodent with Spanish background

Monday, January 30th, 2012

He was born almost 120 years ago, but the story of the Ratoncito Pérez, this small rodent that was leaving presents and coins for the children who lost a tooth and let it underneath their pillow at night, is still alive today for the little ones.

This character was created by the writer and Spanish journalist Luis Coloma in1894 inhis children’s book for Alfonso XIII when he was 8 years old, because one of his teeth fell out. The writer then invented the story of a small mouse who showed to the king Budi (stage name for Alfonso XIII) the misery in which the poor children from Madrid where living, and who he was giving a present to when their teeth fell out. We recommend you read this fairytale if you are learning Spanish at a basic level.

Doodle of Ratoncito Pérez de Google

Doodle of Ratoncito Pérez de Google

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The toros (bulls), a great Spanish tradition

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

The toros is one of the most popular and ancient shows in Spain, and one of our country’s most famous traditions in the world. It started in the XVIIIth century, involving a man on foot who has to lidiar (battle) a fighting bull in a precinct called Plaza de toros. It is one of the events you cannot miss if you are undertaking a Spanish course in Spain.

The corrida is divided in three distinct stages or thirds. The first part, or lancing stage, involves the lidia of the bull with the objective to check the animal’s strength and behaviour. This is when the cape’s good luck is put to test, the most famous techniques are the verónica, the chicuelina or the porte gayola.

The toros, spanish tradition

A torero performing a veronica

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Learn Spanish by cooking dishes from the Spanish cuisine

Friday, January 20th, 2012

Spanish is a language that can be practised in many different ways, by reading books, watching films in Spanish, listening to songs… but one of the most enjoyable and entertaining ways to learn Spanish in Spain is to do so while you cook a typical dish from the Spanish cuisine.

This activity is very common in Spanish schools, and many have it as a special section in the course program. This type of exercise is very important for students to be able to learn Spanish and the Spanish culture outside school classes, by doing it in a more enjoyable way: by cooking.

Learn Spanish cooking is a great activity

Two Spanish students in a cooking course

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The Spanish Language Foundation launches the website of the First International Expo Spanish

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

The Spanish Language Foundation (Fundación de la Lengua Española) has launched the website of the First International Expo Spanish, with information about the event to organize in Valladolid from 10 to 13 May 2012.


The Spanish cinema is getting prepared for the Goya Awards

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

All countries have their cinema awards: the Oscars in United States, the BAFTA in the UK and the César in France. In Spain we also have ours, the Goya, the annual awards from the Arts Academy and the Cinematographic Sciences for best directors, actors and films from Spanish cinema.

This year we celebrate the XXVIth edition of awards that will take place on the 19th of February in the Palacio Municipal de Congresos (a convention centre) in Madrid. So, if you are in the city to undertake a Spanish course, use the opportunity to see the best Spanish actors on the Spanish cinema’s red carpet.

Learn Spanish with the film Goya Awards

Pedro Almodóvar y Penélope Cruz

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The 8 best things Spanish students can do in Barcelona

Friday, January 13th, 2012

The city of Barcelona is a very lively place which offers a great variety of activities for students undertaking a course in a Spanish school. We leave you 8 pieces of advice to never get bored:

  • ■To go shopping is a treat for those students who like fashion, as this city has several areas with a great commercial offer, such as the Avenida Diagonal, the Paseo de Gracia and the barrio Gótico.
  • ■You can not leave Barcelona without strolling down its most famous street, La Rambla. Along the way you can find kiosks, bars, restaurants and the famous human statues, artists who entertain strollers with their shows.
Study in Spanish academies in Barcelona

La Rambla of Barcelona

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Idiomatic tourism is also present at Fitur 2012

Monday, January 9th, 2012

Next 18th of January the 32nd edition of the Feria Internacional de Turismo (FITUR) will start, one of the most important on international level and the main one in Spain. The meeting of specialised professionals and companies focusing on idiomatic tourism helps to define the lines of work and the strategies with the objective to innovate and reinforce the tourism activity and adapt to the market changes.

The fair is celebrated between the 18th and the 22nd of January in the Ifema exhibition site, Madrid, where it is hoped the spectacular numbers achieved at last year’s edition will be repeated, more than 10000 companies from 166 countries were present and more than 200000 visitors came, including professionals and general public.

The study of Spanish in Spain also present in FITUR

The edition of FITUR 2011

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Spanish schools and gastronomy: The roscón de Reyes

Thursday, January 5th, 2012

Some days ago we were talking to you about the turrón , the typical sweet for Christmas in Spain, we will now do the same with another traditional sweet from the Spanish gastronomy for Christmas, the roscón de Reyes, one of the products that have to be on the table when you stay in Spain to learn Spanish.

As its name states, this sweet is typically eaten on the 6th of January, day of the Reyes Magos, but it is more and more usual to have it during all festivities, always with a cup of hot chocolate. You should definitely not miss out on this mixture if you are learning Spanish in Spain.

Learn Spanish in Spain and enjoy the roscón de Reyes

Roscón de Reyes

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Culture of Spain for Spanish classes: The Reyes Magos(the Three Wise Men) arrive to Spain

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

On the 6th of January we celebrate one of the important Spanish traditions for children, Epiphany or the día de los Reyes Magos. The little ones, and sometimes less little ones, receive the presents or charcoal on that day, charcoal if they behaved badly, which they previously ordered in a letter.

Even though the figure of Father Christmas becomes more important in our country, the Reyes Magos day is still more important and every year it is customary to organise a series of related events for the festivity, the most outstanding one is the Cabalgata de Reyes which takes place on the 5th of January and is celebrated in all Spanish villages and cities. The cabalgata is a parade with the Reyes Magos mounted on horses, camels or sitting in carriages, and covering the city’s streets throwing sweets and balls to the children who stand on the pavement, this is therefore a very good opportunity to enjoy one of our traditions with your classmates from the Spanish course in Spain.

A Spanish course may be a good gift of Kings

Picture of the Three Kings Parade of Alcoy

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Study Spanish in Spain, a good New Year’s resolution

Monday, January 2nd, 2012

It is already 2012 and like every year, time came to take good resolutions for this new period. To do exercise, start saving, quit smoking, find the ideal partner…these are the typical propositions written on a long list where we want to participate and add one more resolution: study Spanish in Spain.

To learn a new language is one of the best resolutions for a new year and more when we talk about the second most spoken language in the world. In these times of economical and social globalization it is important to study Spanish, not only because it is essential for the current and future working world, but also because it is a way to exercise the brain and aid your personal development.

A group of girls in a Spanish school

A group of girls in a Spanish school

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