Archive for July, 2011

30 Spanish expressions that Spanish students in Spain should know (Part 3)

Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

Today we finish the list with typical expressions from Spain. It has been a long journey with many sentences that can be of great help for those who visit Spain to study Spanish, and we hope you will not miss any detail from the last expressions:

21. Más vale tarde que nunca: Is used when we refer to the fact that it is important to do certain things, and better late than never. “No importa cuando empieces a estudiar español, más vale tarde que nunca”

22. Me estás tomando el pelo: Try to mislead someone, laugh at him or make him believe something he believes is not true. “Siempre que hablo con Ricardo, parece que me esté tomando el pelo”

23. Ni me va ni me viene: When something is not important at all, when it doesn’t matter or it doesn’t make any difference to me. “Todo lo que diga esa persona ni me va ni me viene”

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30 Spanish expressions that Spanish students in Spain should know (Part 2)

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

After listing the 10 first expressions students in Spain learning Spanish should know to pass unnoticed and have Spanish ways, we continue with new series:

11. El que algo quiere, algo le cuesta: Is used to explain that who wants to get something from life, needs to put an effort to get it. “Si quieres aprender español tienes que estudiar, el que algo quiere, algo le cuesta”

12. Estar como una cabra: Be a little crazy. “Hoy he visto una persona por la calle que estaba como una cabra”

13. Al pan, pan y al vino, vino: This expression is used to say that you have to call everything by its name, call things as they are. “Javier es un estúpido, no puedo decir otra cosa, al pan, pan y al vino, vino”

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30 Spanish expressions that Spanish students in Spain should know (Part 1)

Monday, July 18th, 2011

Spainreceives more than 200.000 students every year spending some time to study Spanish or to continue their learning, but their arrival is never easy if they do not have an extensive knowledge of the language. We want to teach you the most used sentences and expressions in our country, so that any student coming to undertake a Spanish course in Spain can use them and better manage inSpain:

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Paella, one of the favourite dishes in Spanish schools

Thursday, July 14th, 2011

A student visiting or staying in Spain to undertake a course to learn Spanish, cannot get back to his country without trying one of Spanish’ most typical and representative dishes of the Spanish gastronomy on an international level: the paella. There are several variants of this dish within the national territory, but our country’s cuisine’s best and most varied paella and the one we recommend to all who come to study Spanish, is the paella from Valencia.

To learn how to cook this dish is one of students’ most practised activities in Spanish schools. The paella is not easy to prepare, as you need to know the steps to follow to prepare it and have great care while preparing it, but with a little practice any Spanish student will be able to cook a paella and be proud of it.

Paella is a dish to practice in Spanish schools

A paella valenciana in the fire

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