Die Schulen und Unterkünfte, um Spanisch in Spanien zu lernen


Meinungen (Colegio de Español Tía Tula)

7 Meinungen ·  Hinterlasse einen Kommentar (Nur für registrierte Benutzer)
Zeichensetzung: 5
Collegio eccezionale Durch: Erica (land: Italy) - 30/01/2015
Tia Tula è un collegio fantastico nel quale tutti sono simpatici e gentili e ti fanno sentire come in una grande famiglia. Ho trascorso poco tempo con loro, ma è stato sufficiente per affezionarmi. La professoressa era veramente gentile e il corso molto chiaro. Mi sono divertita molto con loro e ve la consiglio vivamente.

Zeichensetzung: 5
Fantastic experience!!! Durch: Valeria (land: Italy) - 05/08/2013
I would recommend Tia Tula because I think it's an excellent school for many reasons. First of all ( and for me it is the most important thing ) it is a mid-sized school, this means that it is easier to establish relationship with the others students. Moreover, Tia Tula pays attention to the quality: there are maximum 10 students per classroom, so you can learn or improve your spanish more quickly. The school organized also a lot of activities, so the students can discover a lot of things about Salamanca and its culture. For example I signed up to some activity like Flamenco show, cooking class and tapas tour. According to me the most interesting thing was the cooking class, because i learned how to cook paella ( the original ) and the price of the class wasn’t expensive because I studied in Tia Tula. Tia Tula helps you also with the accomodation. It’s possible to choose between the family or flat . I suggest to choose the flat because you can share this beautiful experience with other foreign students. At the and… good organization, staff very kind, qualified teachers!!!

Zeichensetzung: 5
muy buena escuela Durch: Noriko (land: Japan) - 02/08/2013
Sólo ha pasado un mes de mi estancia en Salamanca y Tía Tula, y ya tengo una gran cantidad de buenas experiencias acumuladas. En Tía Tula ofrecen una gran variedad de actividades cada semana que hacen que pueda realmente disfrutar de mi vida de España: tapas, clases de cocina, piscina, visitas a museos, sesiones de cine, clases de flamenco, excursiones… ¡Cada día es diferente y me encanta participar en todas porque siempre hay algo nuevo por experimentar! A continuación quiero destacar todo lo bueno que he encontrado en Tía Tula: Lo primero es que está muy cerca de la Plaza Mayor. Y eso hace que después de terminar mis clases de español pueda disfrutar de la típica comida y de los maravillosos paisajes de Salamanca, ciudad rodeada de monumentos históricos. ¡Estoy aprendiendo mucho de la cultura española! Lo segundo es que Tía Tula no es una escuela de un tamaña excesivo y eso para mi es una gran ventaja porque puedo hacer muchas amistades con los demás estudiantes y mis profesores, quienes me enseñan con mucha paciencia el español hasta que lo haya entendido del todo y son muy simpáticos. Mis clases son de 4 horas al día, por eso nunca me canso y puedo concentrarme muy bien. ¡Siempre lo paso muy bien en mis clases de español! Además los grupos se forman con un máximo de 10 personas y eso hace que me sienta más cómoda para tener oportunidades a la hora de hablar español. Otro aspecto importante es mi alojamiento. El piso donde me hospedo está muy bien, cómodo y muy limpio. Además lo comparto con otros estudiantes de Tía Tula que son muy simpáticos y aprovechamos para comentar las experiencias que hemos tenido en el día, lo que me ayuda a progresar en mi español.

Zeichensetzung: 4
Irene Durch: Irene (land: Italy) - 31/07/2013
I did a level C1 course at Tía Tula and even if I though I know a lot about spanish language, during the two weeks I attended the course I can learn a lot of new things. This thanks to the teachers that always offers interesting and new materials. Moreover teachers were very kindly and careful on my need to improve my spanish pronunciation, all this without leave out mine schoolmates' needs. This is possible because the class was kept small. You receive all the attentions you need also by the staff of the school. If you want to know how to find a swimming pool in Salamanca or how to book a last minute flight they are able to give you all the informations, and they do it always with a great pleasure. The school is in the city center and this location allow you to leave all the beautiful things Salamanca offers: infect, after the classes is possible to enjoy the city, its monuments and the tapas bar without any loss of time. In conclusion my experience at Tía Tula was been extraordinary and I suggest everybody who wants to improve their spanish in Spain to take in consideration this school.

Zeichensetzung: 4
Irene Durch: Irene (land: Italy) - 31/07/2013
I did a level C1 course at Tía Tula and even if I though I know a lot about spanish language, during the two weeks I attended the course I can learn a lot of new things. This thanks to the teachers that always offers interesting and new materials. Moreover teachers were very kindly and careful on my need to improve my spanish pronunciation, all this without leave out mine schoolmates' needs. This is possible because the class was kept small. You receive all the attentions you need also by the staff of the school. If you want to know how to find a swimming pool in Salamanca or how to book a last minute flight they are able to give you all the informations, and they do it always with a great pleasure. The school is in the city center and this location allow you to leave all the beautiful things Salamanca offers: infect, after the classes is possible to enjoy the city, its monuments and the tapas bar without any loss of time. In conclusion my experience at Tía Tula was been extraordinary and I suggest everybody who wants to improve their spanish in Spain to take in consideration this school.

Zeichensetzung: 5
Great school! Durch: Debra (land: Trinidad and Tobago) - 09/07/2013
I'm currently attending this school for five months and I think I made a great decision choosing Tia Tula. The staff at the school are fantastic. They try their very best to ensure you are having a really good experience, not only in learning the language but also in experiencing the culture and the way of life of the city. The school has daily activities for students to take part in so there is always something to do. My teacher is fantastic! She's very patient and I came with very basic knowledge and my ability to speak, read and write in Spanish has definitely improved. The classes are kept small with a maximum of 10 but for me this is preferable so that I get that attention in class that would be lost in really big classes. Salamanca is a beautiful preserved city. It has historical buildings with stunning views and amazing architecture. I would definitely recommend Salamanca as the place to visit and I recommend Tia Tula as an excellent school to either start of continue your journey in fluency in Spanish.

Zeichensetzung: 5
Meine Erfahrung mit Tia Tula Durch: Julie (land: Belgium) - 26/02/2013
Die Schule ist klein, aber das ist eine gute Sache. Es ist einfacher, Freunde zu machen. Alles, was während des Unterrichts gebraucht werden kann, ist sehr zugänglich. Auch die Preise sind interessanter. Jeden Tag hatte ich fünf Stunden Unterricht. Es scheint eine lange Zeit, aber wegen der Art Lehrer unterrichten die Stunden vergingen sehr schnell! Ich bin sehr froh Tia Tula ;-)