Die Schulen und Unterkünfte, um Spanisch in Spanien zu lernen


Spanish Code · Spanisch Sprachschule in Teneriffa

Spanish Code
Avda. de Suecia, 36 Ed. Ann Marie
Los Cristianos
38650 Arona - Tenerife - Canarias
+34 922788824
+34 654923912
Skype: "spanishcode"

Spanischkurse Preise

Spanish course ATuesdays and Thursdays164159,00
Spanish course BMondays, Wednesdays and Fridays244223,00
Spanish course CMonday to Friday10193,00
Inensive Spanish course IMonday to Friday151136,00
Intensive Spanish course IIMonday to Friday201177,00
Individual Spanish coursesMonday to Friday1-26,00

Fotos von Spanish Code

Lageplan der Spanisch-Sprachschule

Meinungen über die Schulen und Spanisch-Kurse

Zeichensetzung: 5
Sprachimmersion Durch: Denis (: Belgium) - 25/02/2013
Hallo, ich bin derzeit als Professor der Mathematik in Belgien. Ich beschloss zu studieren einen Spanischkurs. Ich beschloss zu gehen nach Teneriffa, Insel mit viel Palmen und Stränden. Ich ging zur Schule Spanisch Code. Die Kurse wurden nach meiner Verfügbarkeit organisiert. Jetzt kann ich spreche fließend Spanisch, Dank an das Team. Bald werde ich auf dieser wunderschönen Insel Teneriffa zurück.

Zeichensetzung: 5
Best course I've ever been to Durch: Barnito (: Hungary) - 04/09/2012
I arrived to the course having no previous contact with the Spanish language and to be honest, firstly I got a bit afraid when my teacher told that all of the classes would be held in Spanish and only in Spanish. By the end of the first five minutes of my first lesson, these thoughts were gone. Despite I only knew a few words at the beginning, all of the explanations were completely clear to me and we had great fun all the time. We got great attention and help in learning and socialising. Know, I am using my knowledge confidently. The atmosphere of Tenerife is also a perfect place for studying either, in all aspects. No doubt success is guaranteed. After the course, I felt like I had just finished the best holiday of my life. I miss it much.

4 Meinungen
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