Archive for January, 2013

Spain is the country of tourism. Come to Spain to study Spanish!

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

Studying Spanish in Spain is on the rise. This is due to on one hand, good news recently published on the Spanish language, and on the other hand, growth and optimistic trends in relation to the state of tourism in Spain.

This week, the Cervantes Institute presented the 2012 edition of the Yearbook “Spanish in the world”. This states that there are 495 million people who speak Spanish as a mother tongue, and a further 18 million people studying Spanish. They also reported that Spanish, after English and Chinese, has become the third most widely used language on the internet. In the case of Twitter, the use of the Spanish language has grown rapidly and has now bypassed Chinese to become the second most popular language after English.

In relation to tourism, Spain received some 57.8 million international tourists in 2012, a 3% incrementation on 2011. During the same time period however, income from tourism rose more, by 5.9%. This data being published through Europa Press this afternoon, 16th January 2013, from José Manuel Soria, the minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

Come to Spain to Study Spanish

UNWTO 2010 - 2011 data.

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