Archive for May, 2013

Origin and history of Spanish language (1/4): First manuscripts.

Friday, May 24th, 2013

Nowadays there are more than 495 million people who have Spanish as their mother tongue. The origin of this language is vulgar Latin, which propagated in Spainat the end of the IIIrd century after Christ.

The first revelations of the Spanish language were initially linked to some manuscripts from the Xth century, around year 974, when a monk wrote small annotations in several languages: Latin, medieval Basque, Hispanic Romance and a variety from Rioja of Spanish or of Navarro-Aragonese. We call these writings the Glosas Emilianenses because they were composed in the Monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla, which is located at about40 km from Logroño. At first these documents were thought to be the beginning of Castilian, but later studies classified the documents as mostly written in Navarro-Aragonese, not in Castilian.

Origin and history of Spanish language: First manuscripts.

Origin and history of Spanish language: First manuscripts. Cartularios de Valpuesta.

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I am going to Spain to study a Spanish course. What do I need to take with me?

Monday, May 6th, 2013

Spain offers many opportunities for leisure and days out, we therefore recommend you take a small luggage with you not to be restricted in your movements later on, after your Spanish lessons. It is best not to take too many clothes even if you need to use the laundry service later on. Do not forget that you could be invited to more than one party and thus need some decent outfit. Other elements are:

Traveling to Spain to study a Spanish course.

Traveling to Spain to study a Spanish course. What do I take in my suitcase?

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