Spring, an appealing season to learn Spanish

March 15th, 2011

On March the 21st we left the cold winter behind us and spring started, one of the most longed for seasons, as with it comes the good weather, longer days and we are more willing to go out.

Spring always comes with a multitude of festivities celebrated all over Spain all along the season during which, every year, different concerts and music festivals come together which students can enjoy during their Spanish learning term.

The Holy Week is one of the most spectacular celebrations that can be seen during Spring. It is one of the country’s cultural marks and it is celebrated in all villages and cities, many of them being declared of International Tourist Interest. Holy weeks from cities such as Cuenca, León, Malaga, Salamanca, Seville, Granada or Valladolid stand out.

The Bando de la Huerta in Murcia

The Bando de la Huerta in Murcia

After the Holy Week there are many festivities that are also very interesting and that Spanish students can enjoy, such as the Spring festivities in Murcia, the Bando de la Huerta and the Entierro de la Sardina, which are considered of International Tourist Interest since 2006. The festivities of the patron saint of the city of Valladolid, San Pedro Regalado (13th of May), last several days and in them bullfighting activities, musicals and folklore are celebrated. The Moros y Cristianos of Alcoy, town located at65 kilometresfrom Alicante, a popular festivity that is celebrated between the 22nd and 24th of April and that includes the representation of the struggle between Christian and Muslim sides.

In Andalusia Spring fills its cities with colour and festivities. The Feria de Abril (April Fair) in Seville is the most emblematic celebration of the town and during these days the Sevillians and the thousands of tourists have fun when they sing, dance and eat. Also, in the city of Cadiz of El Puerto de Santa María the Feria de Primavera and the Fiesta del Vino Fino (11th to 16th of May) are celebrated, one the most longed for events. In Cordoba the Feria de Nuestra Señora de la Salud (last week of May) is celebrated, with stands open to visitors.

Spring is an appealing period to come to learn Spanish in Spain, as you can enjoy and participate in a many festivities and celebrations over the entire country.

Image Day Bando de la Huerta. Vix929. http://bit.ly/dY365c

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