Archive for the ‘Spanish language’ Category

30 Spanish expressions that Spanish students in Spain should know (Part 2)

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

After listing the 10 first expressions students in Spain learning Spanish should know to pass unnoticed and have Spanish ways, we continue with new series:

11. El que algo quiere, algo le cuesta: Is used to explain that who wants to get something from life, needs to put an effort to get it. “Si quieres aprender español tienes que estudiar, el que algo quiere, algo le cuesta”

12. Estar como una cabra: Be a little crazy. “Hoy he visto una persona por la calle que estaba como una cabra”

13. Al pan, pan y al vino, vino: This expression is used to say that you have to call everything by its name, call things as they are. “Javier es un estúpido, no puedo decir otra cosa, al pan, pan y al vino, vino”

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30 Spanish expressions that Spanish students in Spain should know (Part 1)

Monday, July 18th, 2011

Spainreceives more than 200.000 students every year spending some time to study Spanish or to continue their learning, but their arrival is never easy if they do not have an extensive knowledge of the language. We want to teach you the most used sentences and expressions in our country, so that any student coming to undertake a Spanish course in Spain can use them and better manage inSpain:

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How much time is needed to learn Spanish?

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

With the times we live in, immersed in an economic and social globalisation, nobody can discuss that to speak a second language is something important, independently from your career or your future occupation. Unfortunately many people do not start the learning finding excuses such as a lack of time, and that’s why we ask how many hours do we needs to learn another language?

First we have to clarify that not all people learn a language at the same speed. There is an age when it is easier to gain new knowledge, the same way some people find it easier than others, but this does not mean it is so difficult for others they won’t be able to speak a foreign language. A Foreign Service Institute (FSI) study from the United States’ Department State, responsible for foreign affairs in the country, affirms that, basing their statements on a native English speaker without any previous knowledge of Spanish and with a good capacity to learn foreign languages, will need 600 hours to learn Spanish. This data was published as part of the FSI report, which classifies languages in categories depending on their learning difficulty from English:

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The 10 best pieces of advice to make the most of your time during the study of Spanish

Monday, April 18th, 2011

We’d like to give you a series of 10 pieces of practical advice to be able to learn Spanish easier and faster.

1-The first one, and the most important one is to choose an attractive country to start this beautiful adventure. Spain is the third country in the world for tourists, and first among those with Spanish as an official language, but there are also other countries with tourist interest and a selection of attractions.

2- Attend a recognised Spanish school in the city where you decided to study, as that is where they will help you to find the best methods to better your knowledge more rapidly and with more interest.

3- Put yourself objectives to fulfil during your learning time. Those should be realistic and feasible. You can ask the school where you decided to study’s teaching staff for help and support.

4- Don’t be shy when you have to talk to someone, the best way to improve is practising. Try to express yourself in real situations such as in the bar, the bakery, a restaurant, etc.

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Idiomatic tourism gets strong in Spain

Friday, March 11th, 2011

Spain has always been a country where tourism simply meant sea and sun, but some years ago other forms of tourism have begun to grow, such as the idiomatic one. To come to Spain to study Spanish while being a tourist is an incentive for many foreigners who want to learn the language. It is the second most spoken in the world for number of people have it as mother tongue and the third most spoken language considering the ones who have it as first or second language. Also, Spanish is the second most studied language after English, and the third most used language on the internet (7,8% of total); it is expected that by 2050, 10% of the world’s population will speak Spanish.

In other countries such as Germany, France or the United Kingdom this conception of language learning as a tourism resort is already widely used.

A group of foreign students of Spanish

A group of foreign students of Spanish

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