Spanish schools and accommodation to study Spanish in Spain

Study Spanish in Spain allow choice from many Spanish courses in universities and Spanish schools in any city from a selected group, to enjoy between different tourist environments. Spanish schools offer intensive courses, specializing in business, legal, medical, for teachers of Spanish languages, combined with cultural and sports activities: diving, sailing, skiing, golf, flamenco... So that any student can find in Spanish in Tour the best Spanish course according his interests for a pleasant stay in a tourist area.

Study Spanish in Spain: universities and Spanish schools

Partner Spanish schools and universities

Partner residences, hostels and accommodations

Useful information to study Spanish in Spain

Come to Spain: learn about documentation to study Spanish, visas, embassies, consulates, customs and tourist offices.
The weather in Spain. Information on average temperatures in cities to study Spanish in Spain.
Information on health and safety for students who want to learn Spanish in Spain.
Currency, payment, tips, taxes and more information to study in a Spanish school.
Information for your free time after Spanish classes in the school: business hours, opening times, Spanish holidays.
Tips to study Spanish in Spain on postal services, transports in Spain, international communications and Internet.
Spain and its regional languages and religious cults, to understand the culture of Spain and the Spanish people.
Driving cars, animals, measurement system, electricity, water, claims, Spanish culture and Spanish cuisine...

Universities, Spanish schools and accommodations: Student comments

Residencia Galileo Galilei Valencia
Great atmosphere. I liked the building, the services, and I met with very good friends. more
Cronopios Idiomas Madrid
Me gusta mucho el ambiente de la escuela ,los profs son majos ,me han ayudado mucho ,hay cafe gratis por la mañana y lo q me gusta más es q no solo aprendo la gramatica aqui también la cultura y muchas expresiones!! more

News on spanish courses in Spain and tourism

Origin and history of Spanish (2/4): Antonio de Nebrija.
Fernando III, the Saint, during the first half of the XIIth century as well as his son Alfonso X the Wise during the other half, widened the limits of the Castilla y Leon territory in their offensive against Muslims until the frontiers of the Reign of Granada. It was an important period for the building and consolidation process of Castilian. Fernando III promoted the translation of Fuero Juzgo, legal body of around 500 laws proceeding from an old translation from Latin named Liber luciciorum, from the Visigothic... more


Project relative to schools and Spanish courses financed within of Plan Avanza, the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade.

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