Posts Tagged ‘Spain’

TAXI (2/2) - Advice for students of Spanish courses in Spain.

Saturday, June 20th, 2015

Payments: If you want to pay with banknotes value as 50 €, 100 € and up, you should know the rules that determine a limit in which the driver is responsible to change, usually just to 20 euros. If a passenger wants to pay a ticket from this minimum value, like 20 euros or less and the driver don’t have change, the taxi driver must leave the vehicle and stopping the taximeter to get the change . If the ticket is more than 20 €, for example € 50 and up, and the driver does not have change, You should go find change but in this case the taximeter will not stop and the expense of this time is to the passenger. There are many taxi drivers can charge through credit card, but if You only have this way to pay, You must consult to the driver.

Advice for students of Spanish courses in Spain: TAXI_Part 2

Advice for students of Spanish courses in Spain: TAXI - Part 2

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TAXI (1/2) - Advice for students of Spanish courses in Spain.

Friday, April 24th, 2015

Calling a Taxi: When you ask for a taxi service from any of the taxi stops in the city You must take into consideration the order of the list of vehicles waiting. In a 50-meter radius from a stop You can not call a taxi in traffic because it is not permitted for priority of the vehicle waiting in the stop. The telephone and radio taxi allow you to call a car to the waiting area running the taximeter. The taxi drivers can have a maximum amount, it´s depends of every city. If you have different phones about taxi associations to call we recommend generally phone of those with the highest number of partners, to provide a better service.

Spanish in Tour_Advice for students of Spanish courses in Spain: TAXI - Part 1_foto_by_JasonParis

Advice for students of Spanish courses in Spain: TAXI - Part 1

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Interview with Mari Carmen Timor, president of the Federation of Spanish language schools.

Wednesday, February 11th, 2015

Mari Carmen Timor is president since May 2014 of the Federation of Spanish Schools: FEDELE. This institution has 90 federated schools, all accredited by Instituto Cervantes, since it is a necessary condition. FEDELE is composed of six associations from: Andalusia, Baleares, Castilla y León, Valencia, Barcelona and Madrid. It also incorporates the AELE association, including schools from other regions. The federation promotes the quality in teaching Spanish in Spain.

Interview with Mari Carmen Timor, president of the Federation of Spanish language schools.

Interview with Mari Carmen Timor, president of FEDELE

The president, since October 2014 is part of the Board of Instituto Cervantes, taking another step to stand out the relevance of this organization, which brings together the best schools in Spain. Spanish in Tour has conducted an interview with Mari Carmen Timor, included in this LINK (only in Spanish).

How to claim in Spain for a service or purchase.

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

Students from the Spanish courses in Spain could be involved at some point in a conflict or a disagreement when buying a product or using a service. We provide you with some information that could help international students to start a complaint.

Our recommendation is to always try to have a conversation with the seller or service provider and try to solve the problem in a friendly manner. In case you do not get to an agreement you should ask for a complaint form “Hoja de Reclamación”. It is a form that all establishments are obliged to have to give it to the clients from the regional administration (Autonomous Community). The regulations also oblige the establishment to show an information panel in Spanish and English informing of the existence of such forms available to consumers.

Complaint form for a service o purchase to student of Spanish courses in Spain.

Example of complaint form for a service or purchase in Spain.

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Spain is the country of tourism. Come to Spain to study Spanish!

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

Studying Spanish in Spain is on the rise. This is due to on one hand, good news recently published on the Spanish language, and on the other hand, growth and optimistic trends in relation to the state of tourism in Spain.

This week, the Cervantes Institute presented the 2012 edition of the Yearbook “Spanish in the world”. This states that there are 495 million people who speak Spanish as a mother tongue, and a further 18 million people studying Spanish. They also reported that Spanish, after English and Chinese, has become the third most widely used language on the internet. In the case of Twitter, the use of the Spanish language has grown rapidly and has now bypassed Chinese to become the second most popular language after English.

In relation to tourism, Spain received some 57.8 million international tourists in 2012, a 3% incrementation on 2011. During the same time period however, income from tourism rose more, by 5.9%. This data being published through Europa Press this afternoon, 16th January 2013, from José Manuel Soria, the minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

Come to Spain to Study Spanish

UNWTO 2010 - 2011 data.

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