Posts Tagged ‘Practice Spanish in Spain’

The train, one of the best ways to travel through Spain

Friday, June 29th, 2012

Spain is a country with many cities that students undertaking a Spanish course can visit, such as the cities World Heritage or the destinations next to the sea, among others. Different transportation systems exist to get to these places, you can go by plane or on the road (car or coach), but we recommend you to go by train.

Travelling by train allows students to enjoy the wonderful landscapes Spain has to offer and it is a comfortable and secure way that reaches almost all corners of the country.

The train is one of the most used by students of Spanish in Spain

A train in Spain

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The best television series to learn Spanish in Spain

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

All along our blog we have been giving a series of pieces of advice on how to improve your knowledge of the Spanish language outside school, such as to listen to music or watch Spanish cinema. We would now like to recommend you watch Spanish television series, since it is a very good way to practice Spanish in Spain.

The same way as with films, watching series in Spanish helps not only to learn new vocabulary, it also helps to learn the way Spanish citizens pronounce and express themselves.

A protagonist of the TV series Aída

A protagonist of the TV series Aída

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Learn Spanish with films from the Spanish cinema

Friday, March 16th, 2012

To watch films in Spanish can be very useful to learn Spanish and is one of the best resources any student can and should use to improve their knowledge of the language. It is often a very common activity in the Spanish schools in Spain and most organise cinema sessions for the students.

We recommend you to watch mainly films from the Spanish cinema, since this is good not only to improve your words and expressions vocabulary but also to exercise the hearing comprehension and to observe the gestures, way of saying things of the natives.

A group of girls in a Spanish class

A group of girls in a Spanish class

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The success of a song about the Spanish language

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

Two young Colombian musicians, two guitars and a song about the Spanish language became a big success over the last days on social media and went around the world. More than 2 million people have already viewed the video of the song “Qué difícil es hablar el español” uploaded on You tube by the two brothers a little more than 10 days ago.

The song tells how difficult it is to learn Spanish in a very funny way through the story of a student wanting to learn Spanish, since, depending on the Spanish speaking country you are staying in, the words’ meaning changes. So, something can have a very different meaning in Mexico, Venezuela or Argentina.

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Learn Spanish with Spanish music

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

Learning Spanish is not easy since you need to put in constant work and effort, but the process can result entertaining if it is designed correctly. Many activities make learning Spanish in the courses much easier and more entertaining for students in the Spanish schools inSpain.

One of teachers’ most used resources to help students learn easier and practice outside the classroom too, is to learn Spanish with music and songs from Spanish and Spanish American artists.

Estopa's songs to learn Spanish

Estopa Group in a concert

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Learn Spanish with music: Alejandro Sanz, an artist who sings with his heart

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011

It is the most internationally famous artist in the Spanish music world. His words are undoubtedly ideal to help you improve your knowledge of Spanish.

From Madrid, he started his musical career when he was only 16 years old. From then on he sold millions of records and received a collection of awards. His first record came out for sale in 1989 and was called Los Chulos Son PaCuidarlos, but this techno-flameco style album was not very successful and he had to wait until his second record, Viviendo Deprisa (1991), for his career to take off. Songs such as “Los dos cogidos de la mano” or “Se le apagó la luz, were big hits on the Spanish music lists.

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Learn Spanish with the culture: Antonio Banderas, the Spaniard who opened the doors to Hollywood

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

Probably He is one of the best Spanish actors, Antonio Banderas became the best image of Spain in Hollywood. He started his career with a lot of work and humbleness thanks to Pedro Almodóvar, great director of Spanish cinema, who asked him to work for one of his films after seeing him in the theatre.

His first films with Pedro Almodóvar were very successful in Spain: “Laberinto de Pasiones” (Labyrinth of Passion), “Matador”, “¡Átame!” (Tie me up! Tie me down) or ”Mujeres” al borde de un ataque de nervios (Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown), which was nominated for an Oscar as best foreign film. We recommend students coming to learn Spanish in Spain see these films.

Learn Spanish with Antonio Banderas films

Spanish actor Antonio Banderas

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Practical vocabulary to learn Spanish: Taxi service in Spain

Monday, October 17th, 2011

One of the actions that all students will have to make at any time during your stay to learn Spanish at one of the Spanish schools in Spain, will be to get a taxi.

In our country you can take a taxi in three ways: call for city taxi service, go to a taxi rank or stop a taxi on the street, like in the movies. We will are going to teach you a series of words and phrases to practice Spanish in this situation:

General Vocabulary:

Taxi: taxi City centre: centro ciudad

For hire: libre Occupied: ocupado

Taxi rank: parada de taxis To stop: parar

►…continue to learn Spanish with our vocabulary practice

30 Spanish expressions that Spanish students in Spain should know (Part 3)

Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

Today we finish the list with typical expressions from Spain. It has been a long journey with many sentences that can be of great help for those who visit Spain to study Spanish, and we hope you will not miss any detail from the last expressions:

21. Más vale tarde que nunca: Is used when we refer to the fact that it is important to do certain things, and better late than never. “No importa cuando empieces a estudiar español, más vale tarde que nunca”

22. Me estás tomando el pelo: Try to mislead someone, laugh at him or make him believe something he believes is not true. “Siempre que hablo con Ricardo, parece que me esté tomando el pelo”

23. Ni me va ni me viene: When something is not important at all, when it doesn’t matter or it doesn’t make any difference to me. “Todo lo que diga esa persona ni me va ni me viene”

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30 Spanish expressions that Spanish students in Spain should know (Part 2)

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

After listing the 10 first expressions students in Spain learning Spanish should know to pass unnoticed and have Spanish ways, we continue with new series:

11. El que algo quiere, algo le cuesta: Is used to explain that who wants to get something from life, needs to put an effort to get it. “Si quieres aprender español tienes que estudiar, el que algo quiere, algo le cuesta”

12. Estar como una cabra: Be a little crazy. “Hoy he visto una persona por la calle que estaba como una cabra”

13. Al pan, pan y al vino, vino: This expression is used to say that you have to call everything by its name, call things as they are. “Javier es un estúpido, no puedo decir otra cosa, al pan, pan y al vino, vino”

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30 Spanish expressions that Spanish students in Spain should know (Part 1)

Monday, July 18th, 2011

Spainreceives more than 200.000 students every year spending some time to study Spanish or to continue their learning, but their arrival is never easy if they do not have an extensive knowledge of the language. We want to teach you the most used sentences and expressions in our country, so that any student coming to undertake a Spanish course in Spain can use them and better manage inSpain:

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