Posts Tagged ‘Study Spanish in Spain’

Spain is the country of tourism. Come to Spain to study Spanish!

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

Studying Spanish in Spain is on the rise. This is due to on one hand, good news recently published on the Spanish language, and on the other hand, growth and optimistic trends in relation to the state of tourism in Spain.

This week, the Cervantes Institute presented the 2012 edition of the Yearbook “Spanish in the world”. This states that there are 495 million people who speak Spanish as a mother tongue, and a further 18 million people studying Spanish. They also reported that Spanish, after English and Chinese, has become the third most widely used language on the internet. In the case of Twitter, the use of the Spanish language has grown rapidly and has now bypassed Chinese to become the second most popular language after English.

In relation to tourism, Spain received some 57.8 million international tourists in 2012, a 3% incrementation on 2011. During the same time period however, income from tourism rose more, by 5.9%. This data being published through Europa Press this afternoon, 16th January 2013, from José Manuel Soria, the minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

Come to Spain to Study Spanish

UNWTO 2010 - 2011 data.

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The Spanish language to conquer United States

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

The Spanish language is spoken by over 450 million people in the world, it is the second most studied and the third most used on the internet. This data shows that Spanish enjoys a great vitality and its presence in many countries becomes more and more important every day, the United States is one of the places where it grows the fastest.

In United States the importance and presence of Spanish is growing quickly among its inhabitants. Also, with more than 50 millions Spanish speakers, it is the second country behind Mexico counting the biggest community of Spanish speaking citizens in the world, beating other nations such as Spain, Columbia or Argentina.

The Spanish language progress in the United States

Pedro Almodovar and Antonio Banderas at the Golden Globes 2012

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Why not work and study Spanish in Spain?

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012

Some days ago we were talking about learning Spanish in Spain with a Spanish course. We would now like to present a different way to improve your knowledge of the Spanish language, work and study in Spain.

It is one of the best solutions not only to learn Spanish faster and easier, but to integrate in the culture and life of the country, since working while studying Spanish in Spain, allows the student to be constantly in contact with the language and with the citizens, which forces them to communicate in Spanish and to practice every day during their stay in the country.

Two Spanish students in a restaurant

Two Spanish students in a restaurant

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Pedro Almodóvar, the director who brought Spanish cinema to the world

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

The screenwrighter, producer and director Pedro Almodóvar is a cinema genius and one of the major exponents of the Spanish cinema on international level. His films made him win many prizes and gain recognition in many countries, it is therefore ideal for you to watch them and enjoy them if you are studying Spanish.

Almodóvar started his career in the 80s, becoming one of the icons of the movida madrileña, cultural movement which started during those years in the Spanish capital, with titles such as “Pepi, Luci, Bom y otras chicas del montón”(Pepi, Luci, Bom and Other Girls Like Mom) and “¿Qué he hecho yo para merecer esto?” (What Have I Done to Deserve This?). He was first truly recognised with his film “Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios” (Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown), in 1988, not only in Spain but within an international scope, he was awarded 16 nominations at the Goya and a nomination for best Foreign Language Film at the Oscars.

Learn Spanish with the films of Pedro Almodóvar

The film directors Pedro Almodovar and Tim Burton

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Idiomatic tourism is also present at Fitur 2012

Monday, January 9th, 2012

Next 18th of January the 32nd edition of the Feria Internacional de Turismo (FITUR) will start, one of the most important on international level and the main one in Spain. The meeting of specialised professionals and companies focusing on idiomatic tourism helps to define the lines of work and the strategies with the objective to innovate and reinforce the tourism activity and adapt to the market changes.

The fair is celebrated between the 18th and the 22nd of January in the Ifema exhibition site, Madrid, where it is hoped the spectacular numbers achieved at last year’s edition will be repeated, more than 10000 companies from 166 countries were present and more than 200000 visitors came, including professionals and general public.

The study of Spanish in Spain also present in FITUR

The edition of FITUR 2011

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Study Spanish in Spain, a good New Year’s resolution

Monday, January 2nd, 2012

It is already 2012 and like every year, time came to take good resolutions for this new period. To do exercise, start saving, quit smoking, find the ideal partner…these are the typical propositions written on a long list where we want to participate and add one more resolution: study Spanish in Spain.

To learn a new language is one of the best resolutions for a new year and more when we talk about the second most spoken language in the world. In these times of economical and social globalization it is important to study Spanish, not only because it is essential for the current and future working world, but also because it is a way to exercise the brain and aid your personal development.

A group of girls in a Spanish school

A group of girls in a Spanish school

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The Brazilian song “Ai se eu te pego” is a big success in Spain

Friday, December 30th, 2011

What started as a dance between two Real Madrid football players, Marcelo and Cristino Ronaldo after scoring a goal, ended up becoming very successful in our country. The song “Ai se eu te pego” from the Brazilian Michel Teló became the most viewed video on Youtube in 2011 inSpain, you can also listen to it on all radio stations and in all clubs, and you have probably already heard it at least once if you are studying Spanish in Spain.

This singer started being famous in Brazil in 2010 after he participated in a television programme, but he achieved international fame only this year (2011). His song “Ai se eu te pego” is already known all over the world. We leave the words of the song and its translation in Spanish for all of you studying Spanish in Spain:

Aprende español en España y disfruta de la música

Michel Teló

►…sigue leyendo sobre la canción brasileña

The I International Spanish Exhibition is celebrated in May 2012

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

Fundación de la Lengua Española

The Spanish Language Foundation is preparing the city of Valladolid for the I Expo Internacional del Español (I International Spanish Exhibition), which is celebrated from the 10th until the 13th of May 2012. This event turns around Spanish as foreign language teaching and integrates all involved activity sectors in the exhibition.

There will be a space for all sectors and fields involved in Spanish teaching in the Expo, such as materials, learning methods, teachers or new technology, all of them being very important to spread Spanish in the world. Also, there will be a special focus on the little ones, as they are the future of Spanish and they will promote it as years pass by.

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How to chose the Spanish course that will adapt best to your needs?

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

When someone decides to undertake a Spanish course in Spain it is very important to clearly know what the interests and objectives are, as you will then be able to choose the course that adapts best to your needs. Take into account two main factors in the selection, the type of course you would like to undertake and the type of city you would the Spanish school to be in.

There are several types of courses meant for people with different profiles. If you are an businessman, it is most interesting to undertake a specialised Spanish course, such as the business course which focuses its programmes on Spanish needed in the business context. Erasmus students coming to continue their studies in Spanish, need to start or improve their knowledge of Spanish, the basic courses offered by some schools are the most outstanding option.

A group of students in a Spanish course

A Spanish class at a school

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Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish symbol in the world

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

Born in Alcalá de Henares, the playwright, poet and writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, is considered the biggest Spanish writer of all times. His image is so important in Spainthat there are a number of sculptures, buildings, institutions, prizes and events in several cities in our country made in his memory. Cervantes in a real symbol of this language, and his work a very used resource to learn Spanish.

He is the author of “El ingenioso hidalgoDon Quijote de la Mancha” (The ingenious gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha), one of the most famous novels on international and top of the Spanish and universal literature. It is considered by many international writers as the best novel in history, this work from 1605 has a wide impact on all cultures, and was translated in languages such as German, Russian or Chinese, among many others. Also, it was brought to television with a film and series, and thus became a usual resource in the Spanish schools in Spain to help students on their way to learn Spanish.

Miguel de Cervantes and the Spanish language

Statue of the writer in the Plaza Cervantes in Alcala de Henares

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Practical vocabulary to learn Spanish: Taxi service in Spain

Monday, October 17th, 2011

One of the actions that all students will have to make at any time during your stay to learn Spanish at one of the Spanish schools in Spain, will be to get a taxi.

In our country you can take a taxi in three ways: call for city taxi service, go to a taxi rank or stop a taxi on the street, like in the movies. We will are going to teach you a series of words and phrases to practice Spanish in this situation:

General Vocabulary:

Taxi: taxi City centre: centro ciudad

For hire: libre Occupied: ocupado

Taxi rank: parada de taxis To stop: parar

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Practical vocabulary to learn Spanish: Speak at the restaurant

Friday, September 23rd, 2011

In today’s post, we teach a series of words and phrases to practice everything you learned in your Spanish courses in Spain. It is very important to be able to speak in public without fear of failure and practice and practice Spanish at any time will help you in your learning.

Go to lunch or dinner at a restaurant is very common in your stay in Spain, so knowing the words and phrases used in a restaurant is critical. Here are the most necessary for a good meal in Spain:

General vocabulary

Ingredients: ingredientes Waiter / Waitress : camarero/ camarera

To order: pedir Meal: comida

Starters: entrantes Main course: plato principal

►…continue to learn Spanish with our vocabulary practice

How much time is needed to learn Spanish?

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

With the times we live in, immersed in an economic and social globalisation, nobody can discuss that to speak a second language is something important, independently from your career or your future occupation. Unfortunately many people do not start the learning finding excuses such as a lack of time, and that’s why we ask how many hours do we needs to learn another language?

First we have to clarify that not all people learn a language at the same speed. There is an age when it is easier to gain new knowledge, the same way some people find it easier than others, but this does not mean it is so difficult for others they won’t be able to speak a foreign language. A Foreign Service Institute (FSI) study from the United States’ Department State, responsible for foreign affairs in the country, affirms that, basing their statements on a native English speaker without any previous knowledge of Spanish and with a good capacity to learn foreign languages, will need 600 hours to learn Spanish. This data was published as part of the FSI report, which classifies languages in categories depending on their learning difficulty from English:

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Idiomatic tourism gets strong in Spain

Friday, March 11th, 2011

Spain has always been a country where tourism simply meant sea and sun, but some years ago other forms of tourism have begun to grow, such as the idiomatic one. To come to Spain to study Spanish while being a tourist is an incentive for many foreigners who want to learn the language. It is the second most spoken in the world for number of people have it as mother tongue and the third most spoken language considering the ones who have it as first or second language. Also, Spanish is the second most studied language after English, and the third most used language on the internet (7,8% of total); it is expected that by 2050, 10% of the world’s population will speak Spanish.

In other countries such as Germany, France or the United Kingdom this conception of language learning as a tourism resort is already widely used.

A group of foreign students of Spanish

A group of foreign students of Spanish

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