Posts Tagged ‘Vocabulary’

Practical vocabulary for students of Spanish in Spain in Summer

Friday, July 20th, 2012

When a student comes to learn Spanish in Spain in summer, it is important for him to know the basic vocabulary. Here we leave you a series of words very useful:

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The word “cojones” and its different meanings in Spanish

Thursday, June 21st, 2012

If you are studying in a Spanish school in Spain you might have asked yourself some time, ¿how many words does the Spanish language hold? The dictionary from the Real Academy of Spanish Language has a total of 88.000, although the historical dictionary reaches 150.000 words.

Many of the words that appear in these dictionaries have many meanings (depending on the sentence or context) but none has as many as the word cojones. It is one of the most used by Spanish citizens and one of the most versatile of the entire vocabulary.

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A beer, please: Spanish beers

Monday, June 18th, 2012

Spain is not among the countries that have the biggest beer consumption, but it is, without a doubt, a beer country. Last year, 2011, an average of 48 litre were consumed per capita, which shows that it is one of the favourite drinks of many Spanish, mostly when the Summer comes and we need something fresh to fight high temperatures. It is also a very consumed drink by tourists and students who decide to undertake a Spanish course in Spain.

Spain is still far from the first positions in the ranking of beer drinking countries, where Czech Republic (169 litreper capita), Ireland (131 litre) and Germany (110 litre), are the countries that like this drink most, worldwide.

A group of students drinking beer

A group of students drinking beer

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The best television series to learn Spanish in Spain

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

All along our blog we have been giving a series of pieces of advice on how to improve your knowledge of the Spanish language outside school, such as to listen to music or watch Spanish cinema. We would now like to recommend you watch Spanish television series, since it is a very good way to practice Spanish in Spain.

The same way as with films, watching series in Spanish helps not only to learn new vocabulary, it also helps to learn the way Spanish citizens pronounce and express themselves.

A protagonist of the TV series Aída

A protagonist of the TV series Aída

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Practical vocabulary for students of Spanish in Spain

Thursday, April 5th, 2012

When a student comes to learn Spanish in Spain, it is important for him to know the basic vocabulary to avoid communication problems. Here we leave you a series of words about the city that I can be very useful:

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Practical vocabulary to learn Spanish: Taxi service in Spain

Monday, October 17th, 2011

One of the actions that all students will have to make at any time during your stay to learn Spanish at one of the Spanish schools in Spain, will be to get a taxi.

In our country you can take a taxi in three ways: call for city taxi service, go to a taxi rank or stop a taxi on the street, like in the movies. We will are going to teach you a series of words and phrases to practice Spanish in this situation:

General Vocabulary:

Taxi: taxi City centre: centro ciudad

For hire: libre Occupied: ocupado

Taxi rank: parada de taxis To stop: parar

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Practical vocabulary to learn Spanish: Speak at the restaurant

Friday, September 23rd, 2011

In today’s post, we teach a series of words and phrases to practice everything you learned in your Spanish courses in Spain. It is very important to be able to speak in public without fear of failure and practice and practice Spanish at any time will help you in your learning.

Go to lunch or dinner at a restaurant is very common in your stay in Spain, so knowing the words and phrases used in a restaurant is critical. Here are the most necessary for a good meal in Spain:

General vocabulary

Ingredients: ingredientes Waiter / Waitress : camarero/ camarera

To order: pedir Meal: comida

Starters: entrantes Main course: plato principal

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30 Spanish expressions that Spanish students in Spain should know (Part 1)

Monday, July 18th, 2011

Spainreceives more than 200.000 students every year spending some time to study Spanish or to continue their learning, but their arrival is never easy if they do not have an extensive knowledge of the language. We want to teach you the most used sentences and expressions in our country, so that any student coming to undertake a Spanish course in Spain can use them and better manage inSpain:

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