Posts Tagged ‘Spanish students in Spain’

In the café… All types of coffee in Spain (2/2)

Saturday, November 23rd, 2013

This is a continuation of the types of coffee mentioned in the previous post. In this second part we list all decaffeinated coffees, with brandy and other combined, to clarify students of Spanish courses in Spain the typical varieties of our country.

All types of coffee in Spain, to clarify Spanish students in Spain

All types of coffee in Spain - 2.

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Practical vocabulary for students of Spanish in Spain in Summer

Friday, July 20th, 2012

When a student comes to learn Spanish in Spain in summer, it is important for him to know the basic vocabulary. Here we leave you a series of words very useful:

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“Una caña, por favor” (A beer, please)

Friday, June 15th, 2012

In Spain it is very usual to join some friends to have a beer or a caña (draught or barrel beer in a small glass) in a bar, be it before lunch as an aperitive or after work to disconnect and have a good time with friends.

Also, one of the first activities students undertake when they arrive in our country or when they are already learning Spanish in Spain, is to go out with friends from the school to drink beers in some of the many bars or tascas in the Spanish cities.

A medium-size bottle of beer

A medium-size bottle of beer

►…continue reading about ways to order a beer in Spain

Enjoy the summer in Spain and learn Spanish in an intensive way

Thursday, April 19th, 2012

Next June comes one of the favourite times for Spanish and for students who would like to come to Spain to learn Spanish, Summer. This season is one of the most attractive ones to undertake an intensive Spanish course, since it allows to learn and, at the same time, to enjoy the country.

Summer is a time suitable for studying Spanish in Spain

A Spanish beach in summer

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Practical vocabulary for students of Spanish in Spain

Thursday, April 5th, 2012

When a student comes to learn Spanish in Spain, it is important for him to know the basic vocabulary to avoid communication problems. Here we leave you a series of words about the city that I can be very useful:

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Study Spanish in Spain, a good New Year’s resolution

Monday, January 2nd, 2012

It is already 2012 and like every year, time came to take good resolutions for this new period. To do exercise, start saving, quit smoking, find the ideal partner…these are the typical propositions written on a long list where we want to participate and add one more resolution: study Spanish in Spain.

To learn a new language is one of the best resolutions for a new year and more when we talk about the second most spoken language in the world. In these times of economical and social globalization it is important to study Spanish, not only because it is essential for the current and future working world, but also because it is a way to exercise the brain and aid your personal development.

A group of girls in a Spanish school

A group of girls in a Spanish school

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The best things Spanish students can do in Spain during winter

Monday, December 19th, 2011

Next 22nd of December the winter season starts, a time when great numbers of students usually come toSpain to learn Spanish in a Spanish school. We would therefore like to give you a series of advices to make the most of your time in Spain this season:

- If you like winter sports, our country has many ski resorts where you can practice skiing or snowboarding. The Sierra Nevada station in Granadaor the Astún-Candanchú in Jaca, are ideal to enjoy the snow with your classmates from the Spanish school in Spain.

- If you don’t like cold, you can always spend some days in theCanary Islandsand enjoy the amazing temperature… you can even bathe in the water.

Spain in winter for Spanish students

Ski resort of Sierra Nevada

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Spanish schools and gastronomy: The pacharán of Navarre

Friday, November 25th, 2011

It is a traditional liquor and it is very consumed in the Navarre region, as well as in some parts of Spain, it was already known and drunk by citizens from the area in the middle ages. It is a drink many students undertaking Spanish classes in Navarre areas, Aragón, La Rioja or the Basque country decide to try.

The pacharán, mainly produced in Navarre, is a drink derived from natural alcohols obtained through sloe maceration into anisette, which has an alcohol content of between a 25% and 30% of the volume. It has a bouquet and fruity taste, sweet and pleasant taste, is red or intense rosé and has an attractive aspect.

Spanish schools and gastronomy: The pacharán

Bottle of pacharán

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Spanish courses and free time: Going for pinchos in the Basque country

Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

Walking through the old town streets, seeing its main monuments and ending up with your friends in the bars of the town centre to have some pinchos is one of the best things students undertaking Spanish courses in San Sebastian, Bilbao or Vitoria can do.

A pincho, as conceived, is a slice of bread with, a portion of food on top. Food is now eaten with and without bread. The most usual ingredients are the typical Basque ones, such as hake, cod, Spanish omelette, stuffed peppers, mushrooms, etc. In the Basque country it is very typical to have it with a chiquito, a glass of red wine, or a zurito, which is a small glass of beer.

De pinchos con las escuelas de español

Unos platos con diversos pinchos

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Spanish Schools and gastronomy: The pulpo á feira, the most famous in Galicia

Friday, October 21st, 2011

In some Spanish schools in Santiago de Compostela as well as in other cities of the Galicia region: Vigo, La Coruña, Betanzos… Spanish students do usually prepare typical dishes from the Spanish cuisine, and one of them is the pulpo a feira.

It may be the most famous dish of the magnificent Galician gastronomy and it is better known in the rest of Spain as pulpo a la gallega. Although it may be the traditional dish from this autonomous region, its consumption has spread through Spain as a tapa, so if you are undertaking a course in any of the many Spanish schools in Spain you can not miss the opportunity of trying it.

Galician gastronomy in Spanish schools

Two women preparing the octopus

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The best breakfast against the cold,hot chocolate and churros

Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

It is one of the traditional dishes from the Spanish cuisine, mainly when it gets cold and we have to warm up in the morning before going out, or to enjoy a sweet treat in the afternoon. Hot chocolate with churros is one of these Spanish habits that any foreign student coming to learn Spanish in a Spanish school in Spain does usually enjoy during his stay.

It is a tradition which is closely linked to Madrid, the Spanish city where it is consumed most, where having churros and hot chocolate for breakfast goes back to the XIXth century. History says that this tradition first started in Cataluña, or that the Arabs brought it to the peninsula, but in reality nobody really knows when and where this pair got popular for breakfast, in Spain.

Hot chocolate with churros. Spanish in Tour.

Hot chocolate with churros

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Traditions in Spain for Spanish classes: The siesta, a habit to learn

Friday, September 30th, 2011

If a student takes something away from his stay to learn Spanish in Spain it is the siesta. This habit is popular and loved within our country and by foreigners who visit the peninsula and is ideal to have a moment of relaxation after food or before going to your lectures in the Spanish school.

This habit, named only in Spanish, is practised not only in Spain but in many countries such as Germany, Austria or France. Many businesses in United States and Japan have even introduced a short time in their employees’ working days for them to practice this habit as it increases performance.

Two students napping

Two students napping

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Practical vocabulary to learn Spanish: Speak at the restaurant

Friday, September 23rd, 2011

In today’s post, we teach a series of words and phrases to practice everything you learned in your Spanish courses in Spain. It is very important to be able to speak in public without fear of failure and practice and practice Spanish at any time will help you in your learning.

Go to lunch or dinner at a restaurant is very common in your stay in Spain, so knowing the words and phrases used in a restaurant is critical. Here are the most necessary for a good meal in Spain:

General vocabulary

Ingredients: ingredientes Waiter / Waitress : camarero/ camarera

To order: pedir Meal: comida

Starters: entrantes Main course: plato principal

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30 Spanish expressions that Spanish students in Spain should know (Part 2)

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

After listing the 10 first expressions students in Spain learning Spanish should know to pass unnoticed and have Spanish ways, we continue with new series:

11. El que algo quiere, algo le cuesta: Is used to explain that who wants to get something from life, needs to put an effort to get it. “Si quieres aprender español tienes que estudiar, el que algo quiere, algo le cuesta”

12. Estar como una cabra: Be a little crazy. “Hoy he visto una persona por la calle que estaba como una cabra”

13. Al pan, pan y al vino, vino: This expression is used to say that you have to call everything by its name, call things as they are. “Javier es un estúpido, no puedo decir otra cosa, al pan, pan y al vino, vino”

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The Sanfermines, one of the most important Spanish festivities

Friday, June 17th, 2011

July gets closer and the Spanish city Pamplona starts getting ready for the most important festivity of the year, the Sanfermines, a festivity in honour of San Fermin. These festivities are very well known on international level and attract people from all over the world, that’s why it becomes a big opportunity for Spanish students to enjoy one of the most representative festivities in Spain.

The festivity starts on the 6th of July at 12 noon with the chupinazo from the town hall balcony, like every popular festivity everything starts with the launch of the fireworks. The chupinazo together with the sentence “Pamploneses, Pamplonesas ¡Viva San Fermín! ¡Gora San Fermín!” (Pamploneses, Viva San Fermín!) turns into one of the pillars of the festivities, and then start all shows and events.

Chupinazo from the city of Pamplona

Click on the image to see video of the San Fermin festival.

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Spanish omelette, a recipe to practise in the Spanish schools in Spain

Friday, April 29th, 2011

Cooking a potatoes omelette is a very common activity practiced by students who are studying Spanish in Spain. It is one of the most popular where families often cook it to eat in their own homes, although it also appears in the menu of the best restaurants. Anyway, it´s often eaten as a tapa or as appetizer in bars to accompany a caña (glass of beer) or glass of wine.

Pincho de tortilla

It is prepared in about 30 minutes, including preparation and cooking. The ingredients are simply eggs, potatoes and onions, to fry in a pan with oil, preferably olive oil, and a little salt. The popularity of the ingredients and resources facilitates the practice as an activity in the schools of Spanish for students learning Spanish in Spain.

Cut the transverse potatoes in thin circles, although somewhat thicker than the potato chips, and the onion into small pieces. Fry the potatoes and onion into the pan, once heated the oil is heated. The time of frying to fry the potatoes can be used to prepare the eggs and beat them in a dish or bowl. Both beaten eggs as potatoes and onions are often put some salt, independently.

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