Learn Spanish and discover the culture: Antonio Gaudí, the poet of stone

October 18th, 2011

He is considered as most representative of architecture modernism and one of the most famous figures of world’s architecture history. He revolutionised the construction world with his work, looking for perfection and originality in everything he was doing.

His ability to look outside the box and create solutions looking for a new architecture language gave Barcelona its modern character, and every student undertaking a Spanish course in one of the many Spanish schools in Barcelona has therefore the opportunity to enjoy the extensive work of Antonio Gaudí.

Portrait of Antonio Gaudi

Portrait of Antonio Gaudi

The main pieces of work of the architect are situated in the city of Barcelona, where seven of them have been declared World Heritage by Unesco: El Parque Güell, the Palacio Güell, the Casa Milà, the Casa Vicens, the Casa Batlló, the Cripta de la Colonia Güell and the Sagrada Familia.

Antonio Gaudí’s most important and famous work and the one he dedicated most of his life to is the Sagrada Familia. He never got to see it finished since he died in 1926 hit by a tram. Despite the fact that the Sagrada Familia’s works are still ongoing, it is one of Spain’s most visited monuments.

You may also find some of his work in Cataluña and Mallorca, such as the Bodegas Güell in El Garraf and the restoration of the Cathedral of Mallorca. In the rest of Spain we can find four of his pieces, from which we may highlight El Capricho in Comillas (Cantabria) and the Palacio Episcopal in Astorga (León). If you are staying in any of these cities to learn Spanish in Spain, it is recommended to go see these architectural masterpieces.

El Capricho en Comillas

Gaudí was an recognised architect in Spain and in the world, the general public and professionals still admire him nowadays. His work shows his particular understanding of architecture, art and society, and many of his pieces have therefore been declared World Heritage.

Image El Capricho. Jim Anzalone. http://bit.ly/opuzll

Image Gaudí. Canaan. http://bit.ly/qrQhzY

Spanish in Tour http://www.spanishintour.com
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