Archive for the ‘Spanish culture’ Category

Spanish Schools and gastronomy: The Gazpacho

Thursday, February 9th, 2012

When we talk about Spanish gastronomy we all think about the paella, the tortilla de patatas and the jamón (ham), but there is another traditional dish from the Spanish food, internationally known: the gazpacho. A sort of cold soup made with a mixture of vegetables (cucumber, tomato and pepper), and with old bread, olive oil, salt, garlic and vinegar. Students from the Spanish schools in Spain usually love it.

There are different varieties for this dish but the most famous one is the one named gazpacho andaluz, as it is from Andalusia and it is most consumed over there. It is one of the tourists’ favourite dishes in the south of Spain, mainly for its great flavour and for its ingredients from the Mediterranean cuisine.

Gazpacho is a great dish of Spanish gastronomy

A dish of Gazpacho Andaluz

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Enjoy the Carnival festivities and learn Spanish

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

Like every year, in February, Spain starts preparations to celebrate one of its most enjoyable festivities, the Carnival. It is one of the most colourful and entertaining celebrations in our country and although it was originally religious, it became a big show for tourism and entertainment over the years, it is thus usual to see streets filled with people from all Spanish towns and cities.

The show, celebrated between the 16th and the 19th of February this year, will allow participants and visitors to have a good time, to have a laugh, dance and be someone else for a while. If you come to Spain to learn Spanish do not hesitate to go enjoy this great festivity.

Enjoy the carnival and learn Spanish in Tenerife

Election of the Queen of Tenerife carnival

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What is the DELE exam?

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

One of the main objectives for any Spanish student is to achieve a level of knowledge of the language allowing him to communicate without problems. The best way to know if the level is achieved is to pass one of the examinations from DELE.

The Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE) are official certificates given by the Spanish Ministry of Education that certify your level of knowledge of Spanish. These diplomas have a great international prestige, not only because they provide a guarantee of a good understanding of Spanish, but because they help your access to work in Spain and in other countries.

The DELE exam is performed worldwide

A group of students conducting a review

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El Ratoncito Pérez (tooth fairy), the tale of a rodent with Spanish background

Monday, January 30th, 2012

He was born almost 120 years ago, but the story of the Ratoncito Pérez, this small rodent that was leaving presents and coins for the children who lost a tooth and let it underneath their pillow at night, is still alive today for the little ones.

This character was created by the writer and Spanish journalist Luis Coloma in1894 inhis children’s book for Alfonso XIII when he was 8 years old, because one of his teeth fell out. The writer then invented the story of a small mouse who showed to the king Budi (stage name for Alfonso XIII) the misery in which the poor children from Madrid where living, and who he was giving a present to when their teeth fell out. We recommend you read this fairytale if you are learning Spanish at a basic level.

Doodle of Ratoncito Pérez de Google

Doodle of Ratoncito Pérez de Google

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The toros (bulls), a great Spanish tradition

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

The toros is one of the most popular and ancient shows in Spain, and one of our country’s most famous traditions in the world. It started in the XVIIIth century, involving a man on foot who has to lidiar (battle) a fighting bull in a precinct called Plaza de toros. It is one of the events you cannot miss if you are undertaking a Spanish course in Spain.

The corrida is divided in three distinct stages or thirds. The first part, or lancing stage, involves the lidia of the bull with the objective to check the animal’s strength and behaviour. This is when the cape’s good luck is put to test, the most famous techniques are the verónica, the chicuelina or the porte gayola.

The toros, spanish tradition

A torero performing a veronica

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Learn Spanish by cooking dishes from the Spanish cuisine

Friday, January 20th, 2012

Spanish is a language that can be practised in many different ways, by reading books, watching films in Spanish, listening to songs… but one of the most enjoyable and entertaining ways to learn Spanish in Spain is to do so while you cook a typical dish from the Spanish cuisine.

This activity is very common in Spanish schools, and many have it as a special section in the course program. This type of exercise is very important for students to be able to learn Spanish and the Spanish culture outside school classes, by doing it in a more enjoyable way: by cooking.

Learn Spanish cooking is a great activity

Two Spanish students in a cooking course

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The Spanish Language Foundation launches the website of the First International Expo Spanish

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

The Spanish Language Foundation (Fundación de la Lengua Española) has launched the website of the First International Expo Spanish, with information about the event to organize in Valladolid from 10 to 13 May 2012.


The Spanish cinema is getting prepared for the Goya Awards

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

All countries have their cinema awards: the Oscars in United States, the BAFTA in the UK and the César in France. In Spain we also have ours, the Goya, the annual awards from the Arts Academy and the Cinematographic Sciences for best directors, actors and films from Spanish cinema.

This year we celebrate the XXVIth edition of awards that will take place on the 19th of February in the Palacio Municipal de Congresos (a convention centre) in Madrid. So, if you are in the city to undertake a Spanish course, use the opportunity to see the best Spanish actors on the Spanish cinema’s red carpet.

Learn Spanish with the film Goya Awards

Pedro Almodóvar y Penélope Cruz

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Christmas lives in Spain and learn Spanish in an intensive course

Friday, December 16th, 2011

The colourful lights light the streets, snow covers the mountains, shops fill with people… they are obvious signs that show Christmas is here. This time of year is one of the most waited for for many people, and they make most of it travelling, visiting family and friends or, why not, undertaking an intensive Spanish course in Spain.

Our country is an ideal destination to spend holidays while studying Spanish, as there is a variety of activities and traditions you can combine with your learning time. To walk in the town centre and see its decorated streets, to buy the Christmas presents, to watch the live nativity scenes or skate on the ice tracks of the city, these are most things an intensive Spanish course student can do in Spain.

Christmas, one of the best times to study Spanish

City Council of Valencia at Christmas

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Learn Spanish with music: Alejandro Sanz, an artist who sings with his heart

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011

It is the most internationally famous artist in the Spanish music world. His words are undoubtedly ideal to help you improve your knowledge of Spanish.

From Madrid, he started his musical career when he was only 16 years old. From then on he sold millions of records and received a collection of awards. His first record came out for sale in 1989 and was called Los Chulos Son PaCuidarlos, but this techno-flameco style album was not very successful and he had to wait until his second record, Viviendo Deprisa (1991), for his career to take off. Songs such as “Los dos cogidos de la mano” or “Se le apagó la luz, were big hits on the Spanish music lists.

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Learn Spanish with the culture: Antonio Banderas, the Spaniard who opened the doors to Hollywood

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

Probably He is one of the best Spanish actors, Antonio Banderas became the best image of Spain in Hollywood. He started his career with a lot of work and humbleness thanks to Pedro Almodóvar, great director of Spanish cinema, who asked him to work for one of his films after seeing him in the theatre.

His first films with Pedro Almodóvar were very successful in Spain: “Laberinto de Pasiones” (Labyrinth of Passion), “Matador”, “¡Átame!” (Tie me up! Tie me down) or ”Mujeres” al borde de un ataque de nervios (Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown), which was nominated for an Oscar as best foreign film. We recommend students coming to learn Spanish in Spain see these films.

Learn Spanish with Antonio Banderas films

Spanish actor Antonio Banderas

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Spanish culture in Spanish schools: Javier Bardem conquers Hollywood

Monday, October 24th, 2011

He is part of one of the Spanish cinema’s most famous families, Javier Bardem is not only one of the most important actors in Spain, he also knew how to slowly conquer Hollywood, and his films are therefore a very good resource to use to learn Spanish for the Spanish schools in Spain’s students.

He had small roles on television as a child, and his first big appearance on the cinema screens came when the director Bigas Luna directed him in the film “Jamón, jamón” in 1992, inwhich he starred together with his actual wife Penélope Cruz and Jordi Mollà. From this moment on he started playing in many films for which he received numerous awards such as the Goya he received in 1994 for the film Días contados and one year later the Goya again for “Boca a Boca”.

El actor español Javier Bardem

El actor español Javier Bardem

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Learn Spanish and discover the culture: Antonio Gaudí, the poet of stone

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

He is considered as most representative of architecture modernism and one of the most famous figures of world’s architecture history. He revolutionised the construction world with his work, looking for perfection and originality in everything he was doing.

His ability to look outside the box and create solutions looking for a new architecture language gave Barcelona its modern character, and every student undertaking a Spanish course in one of the many Spanish schools in Barcelona has therefore the opportunity to enjoy the extensive work of Antonio Gaudí.

Portrait of Antonio Gaudi

Portrait of Antonio Gaudi

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Learn Spanish with the music: David Bisbal, the success of humility

Thursday, October 13th, 2011

His songs are known all over the world and he has been piling up success after success in and outside Spain, so it is certain that any student who comes to undertake a Spanish course in Spain has heard some of his songs.

David Bisbal started his career in the music world when he was18 ina famous orchestra in Almería called Orquestra Expresiones. It is in 2001 when he started to be famous after his participation in the first edition of Operación Tiunfo, a television competition where the face of Spain at the Eurovision would be selected between 16 competitors, and David Bisbal finished second.

David Bisbal y K'Naan, interpretes del tema de Coca Cola para Sudáfrica 2010

David Bisbal y K’Naan (haz clic en la imagen para ver el videoclip de su canción)

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Traditions in Spain for Spanish classes: The tip in Spain

Friday, October 7th, 2011

In today’s post we are going to talk about a subject that is always problematic for foreign students coming to learn Spanish in Spain, the tip. This habit is very usual in many countries, it is even compulsory in some (even though there is no written law for it), but it is not like that in our country.

In Spain, leaving a tip is considered as a reward for excellent service from the waiters and for the quality of the product, but it is never compulsory and always is a personal choice. So, if you are undertaking a Spanish course in Spain, you do not have to feel any pressure or feel bad if you don’t leave a tip, as this is your personal decision to reward or not for the good or bad service.

A plate with tip

A plate with tip

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Traditions in Spain for Spanish classes: The siesta, a habit to learn

Friday, September 30th, 2011

If a student takes something away from his stay to learn Spanish in Spain it is the siesta. This habit is popular and loved within our country and by foreigners who visit the peninsula and is ideal to have a moment of relaxation after food or before going to your lectures in the Spanish school.

This habit, named only in Spanish, is practised not only in Spain but in many countries such as Germany, Austria or France. Many businesses in United States and Japan have even introduced a short time in their employees’ working days for them to practice this habit as it increases performance.

Two students napping

Two students napping

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Learn Spanish and discover the culture: The snack

Monday, September 19th, 2011

Spain is a country with many traditions, from which we highlight one, the aperitivo. The Royal Spanish Academy defines it as the drink and food taken before a main meal and that opens the appetite, an acceptable definition but one that does not explain its meaning.

The aperitivo is more than just a drink and something to eat. It is a way to get together with friends, as a couple or with family before the meal and have a chat, to have a laugh and have a good time, leaving problems and the week’s stress aside for a moment. Also, for students undertaking a Spanish course in Spain it is a way to learn Spanish outside the classroom.

Typical snack in Spain

Typical snack in Spain

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